11 research outputs found

    Профессионально-педагогическая подготовка будущих переводчиков английского и китайского языков в вузах Украины

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    The article is devoted to the problem of professional and pedagogical training targeted to the future translators of English and Chinese in Ukraine’s universities.The author’s interpretation of the terms “readiness”, “training”, “professional training”, “preparedness” is represented in the paper. The term “training” covers these constituents: a stock of knowledge, skills, experience acquired in the process of training, practical activities. “Students’ readiness for translation activity” is considered as a set of interrelated personal and functional properties of the subject (a student ‒ future translator of the Chinese and English languages), necessary for the effective implementation of professional translation activities in accordance with regulatory requirements, put forward by the end of professional training. A complex model structuring the readiness of the future Chinese- and English-languages translator (taking into account the qualification specifics) for professional (translation- and pedagogy-oriented) activities is described in the research; the designated model includes a set of motivational and evaluative qualities of an individual, his / her professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills, skills and experience required for successful translation activity in the professional environment and pedagogical activity under conditions of the person- and competence-oriented approaches to students’ training and up-bringing.The components of the future English- and Chinese-languages translator’s readiness for translation activities are specified: linguistic-motivational, communicative-informational, operational and activity-centred.The vector of professional training targeted to the future translators of English and Chinese in the context of diplomatic relations between China and Ukraine is seen as a perspective of further researchСтатья посвящается проблеме профессионально-педагогической подготовки будущих переводчиков английского и китайского языков в вузах Украины. В работе представлена авторская интерпретация терминов: «готовность», «подготовка», «профессиональная подготовка», «подготовленность»; проанализированы профессиональные качества переводчика английского и китайского языков в контексте современных украинско-китайских отношений; специфицированы компоненты готовности будущего переводчика английского и китайского языков к переводческой деятельност

    Persuasion prosody in prosecutor’s speech: Ukrainian and english

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    This paper presents the research of prosodic means conveying the persuasion modality in a prosecutor’s speech in court. The material under study consists of English and Ukrainian speeches of the prosecutors (the total duration time is 16 hours). The results of the experimental material examination demonstrate common and specific characteristics of prosody components (melody, loudness, tempo, timber and sentence stress) in English and Ukrainian. Pragmatics of prosody semantics and correlation between its parameters have been proved. It has been stated that in both English and Ukrainian an utterance becomes emphatic due to the prosodic means of persuasion in a prosecutor’s speech as follows:  1) changes of tempo; 2) changes of the pitch of a voice; 3) replacements of the rising tone with the falling one and vice versa; 4) usage of complex tones; 5) use of an interrupted ascending or descending scale; 6) change of sentence stress type; 7) division of a sense group into two or more parts. The above mentioned facts enable us to conclude that: while describing the first of these aspects of typological similarity of prosody in the compared languages, the parameters of the pitch component of intonation are most informative when differentiating attitudinal ones. The specificity of interaction between prosodic and grammar means when expressing persuasion in Ukrainian and English prosecutor’s speech is caused by a degree of distinction between the grammatical and vocabulary systems of the compared languages

    Development of the future translators’ professional competency in bilateral interpreting: modern methods

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    The paper presents the research on the effectiveness of the future translator and / or interpreter training using modern methods which facilitate the development of their professional competency in bilateral interpreting. The authors analyse psychological and pedagogical experience, modern educational technologies and prospects for future professionals in the context of bilateral interpreting. The scholars substantiate the results of the initiated phonetic research (including linguistic and translation analysis of audio texts) related to the semantics of prosodic means, which constituted the basis for the experimental study. The research reveals the outcomes of the experimental study conducted at Ushynsky University involving the third-year students who major in the English↔Ukrainian translation. The four stages of the designated pedagogical experiment are specified: 1) pre-testing; 2) preparatory training course according to combined (interactive and traditional) authors’ teaching methods; 3) after-testing; 4) assessment of the students’ outcomes. The use of the experimental construct turns out to be practical due to these methods: cooperative learning, inquiry-based instructions, differentiation, professional development, technology and problem solving. The study also confirms the fact that the integration of traditional and modern technologies in teaching students to interpret information taking into consideration phonetic features of Ukrainian and English oral texts can help future translators develop their analytical and critical thinking, flexibility, agility and adaptability, initiative and entrepreneurialism while receiving, analysing and interpreting information. The detailed analysis of modern scientific literature proves that the use of the competence-oriented and context-centred approaches to the educational process contributes to the students’ academic success

    Development of university students’ linguocultural competence under conditions of coronavirus pandemic: ukrainian dimension

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    The aim of the study is to analyse the educational means facilitating the development of the linguocultural competence within the academic environment in Ukraine under conditions of the coronavirus pandemic. About 60 senior students and 15 university instructors giving classes in English and Chinese participated in the research. The research methodology is based on analytical and practical analyses of the normative documents facilitating the correlation of foreign language education standards in Ukraine, Europe and China; interviewing; observation (within the experimental study/training). The results show that all students and instructors admitted the importance of culture-related issues in the process of teaching and learning languages; 99% of the teaching staff and 75% of the students chose a more detailed content of culture-related issues to be taught/learnt; 80% of instructors and 78% of the students highlighted the importance of organising culture-related events. The research results show that it is crucial to accomplish a balanced integration of language and culture in the teaching process. Teachers should clearly understand what cultural information is significant and how to make efficient use of it by applying digital resources. The key issues teachers should pay attention to are the evaluation of cultural information, its accessibility and the most efficient ways to present it to students


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    The modern context of the Ukraine-China relations presupposes high requirements to a specialist-sinologist. A rapid development of the world’s areas of science and technics alongside with corresponding transformation of the Chinese translator’s professional framework stipulate the problem of curricula contents adaptation of normative and elective disciplines comprising the speciality “Philology. Translation (the Chinese language)”, those ones of work training, professiogramma based on competencies, which causes some discord with traditional training methods of the future specialists in the aforementioned field. Therefore, the aim of the pedagogical research is to describe one of the up-to-date experimental professional speech training targeted for the future translators of the Chinese language within modern educational conditions. A great attention is paid to the role of information and communications technologies in the initiated training. Thus in the course of the experiment there were determined the stages of the experimental training; they are: cognitive-enriching, operational-reproductive, creative-productive and evaluative-reflexive stages. The integral training methods (systems of exercises, forms and methods of education; profession-targeted events; their correlation with pedagogical conditions of education, etc.) intended for the future translators-orientalists within the modern context of professional activity were specified. It should be mentioned that all the pedagogical conditions were implemented in an integrative way at each stage of the experimental training, which facilitated formation of the future translators-orientalists’ competencies (linguistic, communicative / speaking, translation-discursive, linguosociocultiral, specific-technological) – a set of profession-targeted knowledge and skills, these competencies being components of the students’ integral translation competence which was obtained by the students. Perspectives of the research are seen in the further advancement of training methods intended for the future translators-polylingues in the field of the state and foreign languages, in simultaneous translation in particula

    Evaluation of the Corporate Performance

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    The bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of evaluating the performance of the company. The theoretical part of the work deals with individual methods and indicators that are, used in the work. The second part of the thesis presents the analyzed company, to which selected indicators from the theoretical part are applied. At the end of the work is the overall evaluation of the results of financial analysis, including its own proposals to improve the financial situation of the company


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    The article is devoted to some methodological aspects of professional speech training targeted to the future translators of Chinese under conditions of a polycultural environment. The essence of scientific approaches aimed at solving the designated problem is analysed. The notion “methodological approach” is interpreted as a thematically conditioned, scientifically grounded and practice-oriented aggregate of means and devices facilitating optimization of the general process of the professional speech training targeted for the future translators of Chinese; one of its (training) methodological guidelines; a leading vector of the pursued pedagogical research. The pedagogical phenomenon “culturological approach” is defined; its structure is described. The culturological approach to teaching both mother tongue and a foreign language within the orientalists’ training is considered to be the combination of specific educational material (containing ethno-cultural information) and the linguistic one. There are singled out the main markers (national and cultural heritage, ethno-mentality, nationally marked socio-communication, linguoculturological background of the people representing Ukraine, China, Great Britain / the USA) of the actualization of the culturological approach within the system of professional speech training targeted to the future translators of Chinese under conditions of a polycultural environment. The author specifies the conditions enabling an effective realization of the cultural-polyethnical component of the professional speech training targeted to the future translators of Chinese, they are: 1) to create special conditions for students facilitating better understanding and comprehension of their nation, the Chinese people, the people of the U.K. (the USA); to master spiritual treasury of the Ukrainian, Chinese and British (American) cultures; 2) to create simultaneously conditions facilitating better understanding and comprehension of the culture of the people minorities who co-reside on the territories of the mentioned countries; 3) to create special conditions for contrastive acquaintance with cultures of the peoples of the world in diachrony and synchrony. The elaboration of a system of culture-oriented exercises alongside with a series of extra-class events facilitating the development of the future translators-orientalists’ cultural awareness are considered as the perspectives of further research


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    The paper presents the research on the effectiveness of the future translator and / or interpreter training using modern methods which facilitate the development of their professional competency in bilateral interpreting. The authors analyse psychological and pedagogical experience, modern educational technologies and prospects for future professionals in the context of bilateral interpreting. The scholars substantiate the results of the initiated phonetic research (including linguistic and translation analysis of audio texts) related to the semantics of prosodic means, which constituted the basis for the experimental study. The research reveals the outcomes of the experimental study conducted at Ushynsky University involving the third-year students who major in the English↔Ukrainian translation. The four stages of the designated pedagogical experiment are specified: 1) pre-testing; 2) preparatory training course according to combined (interactive and traditional) authors’ teaching methods; 3) after-testing; 4) assessment of the students’ outcomes. The use of the experimental construct turns out to be practical due to these methods: cooperative learning, inquiry-based instructions, differentiation, professional development, technology and problem solving. The study also confirms the fact that the integration of traditional and modern technologies in teaching students to interpret information taking into consideration phonetic features of Ukrainian and English oral texts can help future translators develop their analytical and critical thinking, flexibility, agility and adaptability, initiative and entrepreneurialism while receiving, analysing and interpreting information. The detailed analysis of modern scientific literature proves that the use of the competence-oriented and context-centred approaches to the educational process contributes to the students’ academic success